Hi, I’m Nic!

I’m a writer, long-distance hiker, & anti-capitalist tiny Biz owner.


I have spent the past 17 years devoted to a public writing and storytelling practice. I write about things like: sobriety, money, non-traditional life choices, intentional relationships, setting right-fit goals, long-distance hiking, developing self-compassion, daily rituals, and so much more.

My writing can currently be found in a weekly email series called Wild Letters.

I am also the author of two adventure memoirs: How To Be Alone: an 800-mile hike on the Arizona Trail and What We Owe To Ourselves: a 500-mile hike on the Colorado Trail


I call bullshit on the inherent exploitations and inequalities of capitalism. I do not believe our ability to access what we need in order to survive should be dependent on compulsory wage labor. Capitalism is exhausting; it’s racist, classist, and ableist, not to mention the impossibility of exponential profit growth on a planet of finite resources.

To me, anticapitalism means interdependence over individualism, solidarity over competition, people over profit, well-being over productivity, and redistribution over hoarding, to name a few. For more on how this shows up in my tiny business right now, go here. To read about how I’m personally reimagining retirement for myself, go here. And to listen to honest conversations and radical imaginings about money, justice, joy, and community, I’ll soon be publishing the trailer for my forthcoming podcast: How Much Money is Enough? (and I also host a 3-week workshop of the same name!)

digital space making

I’m a workshop facilitator who loves creating spaces that are fun, gentle, honest, and supportive. Within these groups and gatherings I’ve helped hundreds of people build more honest relationships with themselves, ones that are filled with kindness, curiosity, experimentation, forgiveness, and delight. You can find all of my current offerings (a coworking group, money workshop, and tiny biz planning workshop) right here.

I’ve also created a collection of workbooks for folks like me who love gentle reflection & self-exploration. I offer all of these workbooks to you in line with the gift economy, which means that there is no cost at all for you to download them.

Offline you can find me learning how to grow food in my little garden, hiking (very) long distances through the woods, mountains, and deserts, making homemade pasta, taking care of two young dogs and 11 bossy chickens, studying herbalism, and trying to talk myself into taking more cold showers.

I’m a budding witch, a white cis queer woman, a Gemini sun, Virgo rising, and Taurus moon. I’m a Sacral Generator (who has no idea what that really means), a spreadsheet nerd, and my biggest first world problem is that there will always be more books on my shelf than time to read them. Thanks so much for being here with me!